Wednesday, 9 December 2020


Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Friday, 4 December 2020

What are Viruses?

Viruses  are a type of germs. They’re very tiny, and when they get inside your body, they can spread or replicate and make you sick. Viruses cause diseases just like “colds,chicken pox,measles,flu and many other diseases.Viruses need to be in living things or cells like plants, animals and humans in order to grow and reproduce. Most viruses can’t survive very long if they are not inside like a plant,animal or person. Unfortunately, antibiotics don’t work on Viruses like they do on bacteria. Bacteria can reproduce outside of the body or within the body as they cause infections. Some infections that bacteria can cause include ear infections, sore throats (tonsillitis or strep throat), cavities and pneumonia.

To prevent viruses from spreading such as the Coronavirus, we have to wash and sanitise our hands often, before we eat especially after going to the bathroom. We can stop the spreading of the viruses by staying home in our own bubbles, keep 1 to 2 meters apart from other people or when you are out in public places. Auckland borders have closed to stop the virus from spreading to the community. If you are sick or have any symptoms of the Covid-19 you must seek medical health or your GP (General Practise) to get tested. We have to use a face cover like mask to cover your face when you are out and about. People are also advised to use Covid-19 tracer app to record where you have travelled. 


My lockdown reflection.

We first did our reflection writing about the things we did at home during the lockdown then we did our table to differentiate what was happening in the first lockdown and what is happening in this lockdown. After that we drew our pictures of the virus and the safety measures to help us stop the virus from spreading. At last we did our painting.I took a photo of my artwork and added onto my writing. My favourite part of this task is the picture because I got to draw it and afterwards I painted with the colour I like. My first day back at school under alert level 2.5 In lockdown I went to the park with my dad and I brought my bike and my dad’s bike. After my dad drove us and we took the bike’s out and we ride our bikes then we stopped at point england I was tired and my hands are sweaty and my legs are tired as well and my dad had so much energy and I was like ” how do you get so much energy” and I did a sad face and I saw htoo say wah my friend and we keep going and we came back to the place. On the weekend me and my mum called her cousins and my mum introduced her cousins and I saw there was one girl and three boys and my old friend and his name peep and he is a boy and I saw him and he does not remember me I don't know why but I said “do you remember me?” I was like I want to see what happen in the movie and I did but my mum was angry at me and I went back.We were not forced to wear masks. The people were forced to wear masks. We got food from the community.We didn’t get food from the community. We got a learning pack from the government. Nothing was delivered. There was no tracker app to stop the virus from spreading. We need to get the tracker app to stop the virus. Animals started to go in people's yards and on the road. Now they didn’t come out on the road. There were a lot of deaths. There were a lot of cases.


Report about 3 things which is Dolphins,Whales,Sharks.


Wednesday, 2 December 2020